[Child studies] through illegitimacy they are connected

This is a sad story about a ruined farmhouse in Angus. Strathella [CHILD STUDIES]:To play this short film click here or on the above image.

Strathella [CHILD STUDIES]

This is a sad story about a ruined farmhouse in Angus. Strathella [CHILD STUDIES]:To play this short film click here or on the above image.

Secret of the Yew Tree

‘If we are on a path of initiation into the secrets of landscape, earthlore and healing, the yew tree can become a powerful heirophant.’ In the middle of the yew … Continue reading Secret of the Yew Tree

A child. An incredibly ancient child.

I recently read the novel ‘How to stop time’ by Matt Haig and in a brief passage of this he talked about an ancient tree that had outlived any sentient … Continue reading A child. An incredibly ancient child.