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Many years ago I was on Twitter: I found it to be a place not without undue hostility and deleted my account after 6 months. I will never return.

My twitter handle was @peterDLROW

I chose this handle as one of the original screening tests for dementia, the MMSE, asked for the interviewee to spell the word “world” backwards. I was never good at spelling forwards or backwards and was considered a “backward learner”. I agree with Mary Midgley that all reductionism is an exaggeration. Yet so much of the scientific world gives faith to single word labels. Might this be a backward thing to do?

Short films by Peter about progress hardly ‘breaking its stride’ [please click on each image to play a different film]

Progress hardly broke its stride:



‘W O R L D’ spelled backwards:

Is there nothing we can do:

Oh, dear me:

The warld’s ill divided:

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