as a star fades

In Mossgrove garden I have  made a bit of temporary art. It has the front page of a newspaper the day that David Bowie died. I pasted this on to … Continue reading as a star fades

He lived in a cave

Sixty  days for begging [Henry Ewing Talbot]:

The bright cave under the hat

Peter’s short films on caves [please click on each image to play a different film]: Sixty  days for begging [Henry Ewing Talbot]: Charlotte’s cave [Dunkeld]: By Argyll Artists [Davaar cave]: … Continue reading The bright cave under the hat

60 days for begging

This film is about Henry Ewing Talbot (1911-1983). He was known as ‘Snibs’. For the last three decades of his life he lived in Bennane cave in South Ayrshire. Sixty  … Continue reading 60 days for begging